Galya Hovhannisyan has been in charge of the RELIEN project since September 2020. Following a post-baccalaureate (A level +) in communication (DUT), she confirmed her linguistic and cultural knowledge with a German degree at the University of Strasbourg. In 2014 she joined the Master 1 Political and Social Sciences proposed by the IEP of Strasbourg and specialised in the study of public policies. In June 2016, she obtained a double-master’s degree in Public Administration and International Affairs (Glendon College, Toronto / IEP Strasbourg). With an international background, Clémence Kelche has completed a one year exchange at the York University of Toronto. She also worked for a year as a French language assistant in Germany as part of a programme of the International Centre for Educational Studies (CIEP). Her experience in project management in the interreligious field has consisted in contributing to the organisation of the conference: “Body – mind – sciences: conversations with the Dalai Lama” (University of Strasbourg – September 2016).