Dr. Sophie-Hélène Trigeaud is a post-doctoral member of the INTER-RELIGIO project. Her education is in philosophy, ethno-anthropology and sociology, with : a BA in philosophy (with Latin/Greek, Arabic and Sanskrit options); a BA and a MA in ethno-anthropology; a doctoral degree from the EHESS – Ecole de Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris (2008, under the dir. of D. Hervieu-Leger); and two qualifications as a lecturer in sociology and in ethno-anthropology from the CNU (2009 renewed in 2014). Since 2005, she has taught in numerous universities and institutions (e.g. EHESS Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, the University of Kent, the University of Paris XII, the INSEP National Institute of Sport, the ICP Catholic Institute of Paris and others). From 2009 to 2012, she has been a research and teaching associate at the University of Kent (Canterbury, UK) in a project on Religion, NGOs and the United Nations (AHRC/ESRC/Religion and Society UK). She has been the field researcher in Geneva for this project, with a survey on the RNGOS’ activities at the Human Rights Council with methods combining qualitative and quantitive approaches. She has conducted research in Europe and North America and has collaborated with the Association for the Sociology of Religion / USA. Her work has focused on religion at the present time, from the study of minorities in Western societies, and contemporay catholicism, to religious NGOs at the UN.
- Religion, NGOs and the United Nation: Visible and Invisible Actors in Power 2017, Carrette, J. and Miall, H. eds. (with Bush, E., Beittinger-Lee, V. and Trigeaud, S-H.), London, Bloomsbury Ac.
- Le Dialogue Interculturel et Interreligieux à l’heure de la mondialisation. Actes du Colloque International tenu à l’Université Catholique de L’Ouest (Angers, 3-4 Avr. 2014) 2014, Grannec, C., Landron, O., Trigeaud, S-H., dir., Paris, Parole et Silence.
- “La Géopolitique de l’Église Catholique” 2014, Trigeaud, SH., AFRI / Annuaire Français de Relations Internationales, Université Panthéon-Assas / Centre Thucydide, p. 765-779.
- Devenir Mormon : La fabrication communautaire de l’individu 2013, Trigeaud, S-H., Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes.
- « Les Protestants Français et le Monde Anglo-Saxon – Histoire et héritage du ‘‘Refuge’’ » 2011, Trigeaud, S-H., in J-P Willaime et S. Fath, La nouvelle France Protestante. Genève, Labor et Fides, p. 263-278. [Actes de colloque.]