Emeritus Professor, René Heyer has taught fundamental ethics, political theology and ethical argumentation. He deals with the links between moral theology and human sciences (social sciences, psychoanalysis) and the relationship between the Bible and literature. He pays close attention to developments in feminist theology and contextual theologies in general (Africa, Latin America). René Heyer has led successively the Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies and Research in Theology (CÉRIT), the Catholic Theology Reception Team (EA 1343), and the Catholic Theology and Religious Studies reception team (EA 4377 ). He was also director of the Maison des Sciences de l’Homme in Strasbourg before the latter was relayed by the MISHA (Interuniversity House of Human Sciences-Alsace). He was finally Dean of the Faculty of Catholic theology at the University of Strasbourg.
- La Mémoire de Dieu Essai sur l'imaginaire religieux, Paris, Cariscript, 1994
- "L'envers de la tradition" dans Théologie et sciences des religions en débat Textes réunis par J.-P. Bastian et F. Messner, Strasbourg, PUS, 2009
- Ecritures de la conversion Strasbourg, PUS, 2011
- "Ce qui est spirituel et ce qui ne l'est pas" dans Spiritualités et théologie (C. Aulenbacher dir.), Berlin-Münster-Wien-Zürich, Lit Verlag, 2012
- "Enseigner la théologie : avec quelle légitimité et pour quelle fécondité dans la société contemporaine" Revue des sciences religieuses 87/4, octobre 2013